Monday, April 4, 2011

A trip to the book store...

So I am not above discussing personal embarrassments, especially when it is funny.

I am currently in the middle of the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. (This should have been my first clue. The authors name.) I was almost done with the third book and I was pretty much freaking out!
The writing is wonderful, the story is well thought out, creative and captivating. It is most defiantly an adult book. How adult, I did not know.
I had to go on line while reading  the climax of my book and find out if my favorite characters live.
Yes I am one of those people. I have to know or I wont finish. If want a good cry, I'll read the news.
One of the reviewers said if I have to know, just read the last page of the last book.
And that was exactly what I was gong to do.
My husband and I dropped baby off at my in laws to go out for a much needed dinner for two. During the meal my husband suggests that since we will have some time why don't we go to Barns and Noble.
And I am like Totally! ( Yeah, now you know how old I am.)
So we went.
First I went to the Fantasy section. The basis of the story is a girl's sister is murdered in Dublin and she sets off to seek revenge, only to find out that Dublin had been invaded by Fae or Fairies, that aren't the cute and cuddly kind. They are evil and ugly. (I am telling you now, it's a great series.)
I looked and I looked and yet there was no Fever series in Fantasy. So I went to fiction, and nothing. Now I knew that it wouldn't be in young adult. So I went to the guy. ( You know the guy that waits in the middle of the store for the lost souls wanting to find the right book, that guy.)
He looks it up and says, very discreetly I might add. "Oh, right over here."
At this point I was surprised because I was convinced that they didn't carry my new favorite book.
Don't worry they do.
Imagine my mortification when the guy took me to ROMANCE!!!
Blushing a little I said thank you, and he was gone. Quickly. But me being me. I picked up the last book and read the last two pages right there in the romance section.

Here's why I am surprised. In the first two books and most of the third there were some explicit scenes but they were nothing romantic. Even when I finished the third book. (The last two pages satisfied me and I will be reading the last two. I totally cant wait.) When the third one ended and there was sex there was nothing sexy about it. If you read it you'll see why.

None the less. I stood in the romance section for about five minutes thumbing through the last two books.
Yup, that's me weird girl in the romance section. Oh by the way I was wearing my four and a half inch heals while I was reading...


  1. I'd be pretty weirded out to find out a book I was reading was labeled romance. Probably because I'm a book snob.

    I'm not one to read the ending before I get to it, though I know of a book or two that I would have wasted less time on if I did. You must be a reader who loves the journey as much as, or more than, the destination.

  2. I find the journey of the story to be far more intersting, however if the ending sucks it totally ruins the entire book.
    For me everything has an ending, I want to know how they got there.

  3. I won't say that I read the last page of the book per say, but I will say that I quickly flip through the end to see if I catch the names of my favorite characters... oh I can't believe you got caught in the ROMANCE section. Bahahahaha. *wipes tears from eyes* classic.
