Thursday, April 14, 2011

In response to Guinevere's Square Table

Since my writing knowledge is minimal at best I make the effort to meet with a friend (**A** author of the blog Guinevere's Square Table )  a couple of times a month. We run ideas past each other and read each others stuff to make sure that we aren't crazy or not crazy enough.
It's funny how similar our processes are. While her ideas explode in her head while she is driving and has no means to write them down, mine come to me while I am in the shower.
Ideas, plot connections, segments of conversations, perfect descriptions all fall together in one place. The shower. Why? I have no idea.
Is it the writing gods mocking me? Giving me wonderful ideas whilst I am in no position to write them.
Hermes is having a great laugh at my expense.
The worst part is the ideas blossom at such a rapid rate that I can rarely keep them all contained. The second I start writing them down the others that I don't get to evaporate, like steam from a hot spring.
Why???? Why cant I hold on to my thoughts and process? Why cant it happen when I have my computer open and ready, or my notebook with my pen poised?
This sucks.
Are there writers out there with better methods? Better coping techniques? Or know a good support group for the writing insane?

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